

We are seasoned practitioners, with experience and expertise either in the academic, policy, practice or community space. Depending on parties and context, we provide diagnosis, forecasting, stabilization, prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding services, always aiming at disrupting negative patterns, de-escalating situations, and empowering people in an all inclusive manner to reach the desired end state of a peaceful or constructive resolution of conflict.

Destination Dialogue uses dialogue as a key process tool to bring people together, whether in face-to-face situations, through shuttle diplomacy or remotely, using the latest technology, the latest conceptual frameworks, or practices informed through people-to-people processes.

In addition to conflict resolution and community building, Destination Dialogue also focuses on social cohesion. Our team of experts can help organizations, governments, and communities to create and sustain a sense of unity and belonging, particularly in the aftermath of conflict.

Our Social Cohesion services include:

• Facilitation of intergroup dialogue

• Restorative justice practices

• Transitional justice mechanisms

• Reconciliation processes

• Trust-building exercises

• Conflict-sensitive development planning